Corporate benefit in upstream security

We have often encountered instances when foreign parent companies require their Romanian subsidiaries to grant security for banking transactions and conclude corresponding security agreements over their assets according to the Romanian law, also known as upstream security.

Hațegan Attorneys is the legal partner for ContrActual (, the first online platform in Romania dedicated exclusively to the management of commercial contracts has been launched.
Created from a real need identified in the business environment, the ContrActual platform offers a centralized solution for the entire process of managing any type of contract in one place online. Thus, the entire archive of contracts belonging to a company can be accessed from anywhere and anytime. The platform is available in both Romanian and English.

Hategan Attorneys assisted the 212 venture capital firm from Turkey in their negotiations to acquire stake in the Romanian start-up, 123 Form Builder.

The 212 VC firm specializes in investment in the technology and IT sector. So far, it has invested in companies such as App Samurai and Insider. With the new transaction, the fund takes his place on the management board of 123 Form Builder, with the vision of stimulating an even faster growth of the company and consolidating its market position.

Digital and legal are two words that can hardly be found in the same sentence. Whenever they are together, they refer to the legal implications of the digital world. However, the reverse effects are hardly talked about or acknowledged. The digital impact in the legal sector is yet to take effect in a more serious, value-added, paradigm-shifting way.

Se vorbeşte de câţiva ani că ne apropiem de sfârşit de ciclu economic, iar mediul de afaceri şi-a dozat eforturile pentru ultima sută de metri pentru un final satisfăcător. Fiecare companie şi-a pregătit diverse scenarii de continuitate care să asigure supravieţuirea afacerii în condiţii de criză. Sinusoida economică nu mai reprezenta o surpriză pentru nimeni şi era de aşteptat ca, după mai mulţi ani de creştere economică, să urmeze o scădere, urmată iar de o creştere şi aşa mai departe.