The Litigation practice of our office represents the result of an extensive and thorough work performed in our clients’ benefit for more than six years, supporting their interest before the courts of law and before the arbitrary courts located all over the country.
The support offered to our clients includes a realistic and objective analysis of the case presented, followed by the identification of the adequate and efficient strategies that could lead to a favourable solution in the shortest time possible.
Hategan Litigations offers to the clients a vast baggage of experience in the following areas of judicial expertise, in front of common courts or arbitration courts: Real Estate and Constructions, Insolvency, Public auctions, Administrative and fiscal disputes, Corporate Commercial, Labour and social security, Banking and project finance
Significant projects
- Successfully representing one of the biggest real estate developers from the western part of Romania, in the procedure of VAT reimbursement – value: 145.000 euro
- Successfully representing an Austrian multinational company, in the procedure of VAT reimbursement – value: 300.000 euro
- Representing a German multinational company, active in the automotive field, in litigation against the Romanian fiscal authority, having as object transfer pricing issues, in which we succeeded to determine the annulment of the tax assessment and the reimbursement of the paid sums – value: approximately 1 million euro
- Representing a Belgian company, active in the field of concrete production, in a procedure concerning certain controversial aspects that regard the application and implementation of the European legal provisions by the European Court of Justice, in regards to the transferred of a part of a company and its employees
- Representing a French company active in the metallurgic production field, in numerous disciplinary procedures performed against several of its employees, as well as in litigations generated by the syndicate’s lack of representation capacity in negotiating the collective labour agreements
- Representing a significant IT player in a litigation against the City Hall for the annulment of the applied increased lease fees for its commercial spaces
- Taking all the necessary measures in order to held liable the administrators of several insolvent companies, for recovering the due debts of a German multinational company – producer of steel components
- Representing a German company active in the footwear industry, in a procedure carried out for the recovery of debts and goods – value: approximately 1 million euro
- Representing a German joint venture, active in the field of rehabilitation historical buildings, in numerous litigations regarding the constructions erected
- Representing a Romanian company in the procedures against an authority regarding the public auction procedures performed for the developing of the technical installation in a total value of 65 million euro
- Representing a Romanian company in a procedure in front of the Contestation Committee regarding the annulment of a public auction organized for the construction of an energy efficiency system for a public university hospital
- Representing a German agricultural Company and the formed informal consortium of companies in the Western region (Italian, Romanian and German) within the public debate in negotiating and establishing the commercial conditions and legal framework as imposed by the Romanian oil law for the exploration and exploitation activities of a Serbian oil company and due diligence over the legality of the oil agreements and submitted documentation